Thursday, August 7, 2008

Dawson is Here!

Welcome Dawson Henry
Little did Katie and I know that while I was updating our blog on Saturday, August 2 that Dawson was about to join our family. Around noon on Saturday, Katie was having what she thought were Braxton-Hicks contractions and by 4:00 pm she was having strong regular contractions. The Van Slooten's sprang into action calling on our new friends to take care of Ella and others to take care of Double Stuff and Oreo. Katie checked into the hospital at 5:00 pm and at 7:21 pm Dawson Henry was born weighing 7 lbs 12 oz and 20 1/2 inches in length.
What's In A Name?
Dawson was the name of Katie's maternal grandfather and Henry was the name of Chris' maternal grandfather, but more than family namesakes Dawson Henry means beloved home ruler.
What Does Ella Think?
To write that Ella is going through dramatic changes would be an understatement, but she takes great pride in being the big sister. She loves to hold Dawson and share her blanket, lovie, and bunny with Dawson. Katie and I keep our ears tuned into what she is saying so that we can better understand what she is processing. Here are some recent conversations with Ella:
"Daddy please ask God to turn the heat down."
"I am sorry Sweetheart it is hot in Texas. Here in Texas it is hot, but in Virginia there is snow."
"I don't like snow Daddy. I like Texas"
"Daddy, please don't let the sun hit our car."
"The sun is warming our car Sweetheart..."
"No, Daddy the sun is going down and I don't want it to hit the car or the buildings."
"Ella, who made the sun?"
"God made the sun. It will be ok Daddy"
"Daddy, God is making me and Dawson a castle."
Dawson's first pictures:
About 7:30pm, new to the world.

Yes, those are chubby cheaks.

Ella finally gets to meet her little brother.

Helping mommy.

Two days old.


the swimmer said...

Huge congrats! I think he already looks like his daddy. Ella looks happy, and Katie looks great, as always. Best wishes to all!
