Friday, February 27, 2009


It is February, right?! February is winter, right?! So, why was it 90 degrees today. Only in South Texas. The past couple of days have down right hot. I know our friends and family in Michigan and Virginia are feeling so sorry for us! If it makes you feel any better, a cold front is coming through tonight and it is supposed to be in the 60's tomorrow.

Here area a few pictures of the kids enjoying the warm weather.

Ella enjoying her halter dress and the warm afternoon. She was also wearing her pink cowgirl boots but I had enough trouble keeping her still to snap these pictures.

Dawson's first swinging experience. He loved it!


the swimmer said...

Adorable! We could use some of that heat, let me tell you. It's supposed to snow here tomorrow!

Kristin said...

So precious!! Your blog looks adorable too! :)

Kristin said...

So precious!! Your blog looks adorable too! :)

the swimmer said...

How're you guys doing? It's been a while - we want news and pix!!