Friday, September 5, 2008

Coffee Anyone?

Yes, I would love to have coffee with each of you! Especially as I hang out with one of our old playgroups and discuss why my little man doesn't sleep and watch our toddlers play together!
But, this post is more about how my ability to have a cup of coffee is an indicator of how my day is going. I had not been making coffee at home for some time. Not because I don't drink it when I am pregnant (although I couldn't stomach it for the first part of this last pregnancy), but it is hot here and I don't have much counter space for the coffee pot. Well, when my parents were here we made coffee every morning. I got hooked again. It is not caffeine, as it is only 1/2 caffeinated, but because of the yummy creamer that I have with my coffee and the thought of having a moment to relax a bit and drink it. Now that my parents are gone, a cup of coffee can tell you how my day is going. There have been many days when I don't make it at all, which is no big deal typically as we are busy doing something. The difficult days are either when I make it and the pot just sits there or when I make it, pour a cup and never drink it. The later seems to be happening most often. One day I ended up having iced coffee before dinner (thanks to Angela B. for introducing me to making this) just so I wouldn't waste the coffee.

So, why can't I get this coffee down. Dawson has 3 modes--sleeping, eating and crying. that doesn't look comfortable. I'll take whatever I can get.

Right before breaking out into a wail! Yes, the bottom lip is cute, but what comes afterwards is not!

And I can't get a picture of him eating since I am the food supply. Either Ella was a much easier baby or I just don't remember it being this hard. This little man fights sleep like he was going to war. He has been know to go up to eight hours without sleeping (4 is more typical). I have been into the pediatrician to discuss and the only advice she gave was to keep doing what I am doing as he is gaining weight and looks good. Well, she isn't living through these periods when he only cries or nurses, for HOURS. I'm looking for a new pediatrician. Not only for this reason, but because in my 3 interactions with her she always seems rushed and doesn't really listen. So, any advice you have would be appreciated. Anyone want to fly out for a visit?

Sorry for all of the complaining. This is a very honest post. We are having some wonderful moments sprinkled in with the difficult ones. And I know this will pass- hopefully soon!

Here are some more pictures...

Ella being a little mommy. We were at the lactation center to weigh Dawson and she found a baby, took off it's clothes and diapered it with one of Dawson's diapers and read to it while I nursed. What a big girl she is!

At the library with one of the puppets.

We are loving pig-tails. Although she is not cooperative with having her picture taken!


Renae @How to Have it All said...

Hi Katie! I am sorry you are having little sleep. Brennan also had a rough first eight weeks. We found out that he had horrible acid reflux making it difficult for him to lay down. As soon as he was put on zantac, he became a different baby. I just thought I would mention it as it may be something to look into. One of the signs would be spitting up a lot. Anyways, I hope you get some sleep!
Renae Chiovaro

Heather said...

Oh Katie! I wish I were there to give you a break, kiss your little man on the head (you know how I love my boys!) and have a little girl time! I agree with Renae about the reflux. All of mine had that to some degree. We got a used car seat, removed the straps and wedged Andrew in it, that and putting him in the snuggli/bjorn. I would love to chat with you some time, why don't you email me with your phone # on my yahoo acct (not this one) and I will see what we can hash out, if you want. Hang in there, it WILL get better, I promise! Texas sized hugs to you and yours from a soon to be soggy central va! heather perry

the swimmer said...

Hi Katie - I wish I could come over and give you a big hug! The first 8 weeks with Abby were really rough too. She cried constantly and wanted to feed every hour or more! My friends kept saying give your husband a turn with her, but how could i when all she wanted to do was eat? I have no idea whether this is the case with you, but it turned out it was that she wasn't getting enough through nursing and was crying because she was starving! I put her on formula and it continued, but slowly got better. I think the reflux idea is a good one too. She never really was happy until I switched her to a formula for babies that had reflux (a tip I got off of an online bulletin board on babycenter). Of course, newborns sometimes like to really cry, and it could just be an immature nervous system. Get some more advice from a new pediatrician, and then relax and realize it might be nothing at all and he'll miraculously grow out of it soon! We send you lots of love!


The Curly Redhead said...

All I can add is: Something is wrong!!! I let too many doctors pat me on the head and tell me to keep doing what I was doing - because he was putting weight. Ha! Babies are not born difficult and cry all the time because something hurts somewhere. Reflux is an excellent guess. Dairy allergy is probably next most common. Reflux seems likely since he's resisting sleep. I'm so glad you're finding a new doctor.

Melissa said...

Oh Katie---everything that everyone is saying is exactly correct! These moms know their stuff!!! And I'd say the same thing if they hadn't already said it! What I will say is that I WISH that I could be there to have coffee with you and more importantly, give you a HUGE hug!! I wish I could hop on a plane this moment to come help you out!! I'd give anything to have a cup of coffee with you at this moment! Please know you are in my prayers and that we miss you so much! We love you so much!! Please keep us posted!!

By the way--I LOVE Ella's pig tails!!

Jennifer said...

Hi Katie! Dawson is so adorable...and Ella...what a BIG girl...she seems to have changed so much and you haven't been gone that long! I hope that you (other than being sleep deprived) are doing well!

Frugal in Virginia said...

Hi Katie! I agree that you should try to find a new pediatrician. You shouldn't be rushed through your appointments.

I wish I could fly there to have coffee with you! That would be so fun. But it's hard work being a mom, so make sure you take your coffee breaks. :)

We're praying for you all!

Angela said...

Hey Katie!
I am so sorry to hear that you are going through a rough time. I would love to sit down with you and have coffe and talk this out. These are all very good ideas being discussed and I am glad that you are getting a second opionion. I remember thinking the same thing...was Eva harder than I remember? She seemed to only cry when whe was hungry and I could fix that immediately. Zack seemed to be more temporimental (he has calmed down since, don't get me wrong he still has his moments) I was trying to put him on a schedule immediately and only eat x number of hours. The doctor told me that at first to feed on demand until you get them putting on weight and then go into a schedule. So, I started doing formual and he did much better. Even before I went to formula completely, I would supplement and give him formula right before I put him down for the night and he slept longer. So, at first I started feeding as a last resort if he had just eaten not too long ago. Also, when he became that cranky and nothing I did was helping, I would put him in his crib and let him cry it out b/c he would fight the sleep as well. Keep us updated on what you find out if there is something else going on. We miss you and are thinking about you!
Love, Angela
(love the pictures--how is Ella doing through all of this?)

Katie said...

Wow...what a wonderful support network of friends you have - even if we are long-distance!
I can't even express what I would give to sit and have a cup of coffee with makes me teary just to think about it!
I have very little advice to give, although I did think of food allergies as well. It just seems that something must be up. I also think that we (thankfully!) do forget how tough the first several weeks can be. I'm praying for you, missing you and looking forward to another long chat soon! :)
Love you!!