Thursday, September 11, 2008


I almost don't want to say it, because typically when I do things go downhill...but, Dawson seems to be improving. I can't say that I know why- could be that I am no longer consuming dairy, could be that we have stayed home everyday this week and really worked on a routine. Who knows, but I'll take it! Thanks to all of you who wrote/called with ideas and support.

So, what is he doing now. The most amazing thing is that he can put himself to sleep at night. I feed him around 8pm and then he has a bath and goes right down. He may grunt and fidget for a few minutes, but then he is out. Now, why can't he do this during the day? My conclusion is that he has realized that there is a routine. So, now I am focusing on the routine during the day. We have launched into Babywise, which I didn't plan to do this early. We always start the order part- eat, play, then sleep early on, but not the cry it out part. With Ella it wasn't really needed. She learned to sleep on her own and was doing good naps and sleeping through the night by 9 weeks. I likely wouldn't have started with Dawson until about 8 weeks at the earliest. However, nothing else has worked for him (swing, carrying, rocking, etc.) with him so for my sanity and the chance that he may fall asleep I have started to let him cry. It seems to be working. He did put himself to sleep today after limited crying. We'll see how this continues to go!!!

That isn't is a smile. The shadow is sweet Ella trying to get a picture with her camera!

Ella sharing all of her favorite things- blanket, lovey, pillow and bunny.


3 Peanuts said...

Congratulations! Dawson is beautiful. Will had those three modes too. I know how hard that can be.

I am so happy for y'all.


the swimmer said...

Dawson is so cute - what a great smile.

I can't believe Ella was sleeping through the night at 9 weeks! You have a hard act to follow. Neither of my kids did so until after 4 months (and Jake was more like 7 months). Abby started crying it out for naps (15 mins max) around 3 months. I just finally got the courage to do it one day and she went right out!

I'm so glad things are going better for you. Hang in there!!

We miss you!

Don and Lisa Osborn said...


Thanks so much for stopping by one of my blogs and commenting. Kim just told me about you today.

I know moving to a new town is never easy. I've never had a newborn but I know from friends that it can also be a very isolating time. Please let me know if you have any questions about the area, need any help, or are looking to meet people. I think Kim gave you my contact info. If not, you can email me at

Hang in there!